Kendi. He does not know how to hold a foot toy with his foot.
I find most parrot bios a bit vague and "general" so thought I would post this in hopes of getting some "meat & potatoes" info about Congo African Greys from those that live with one.
I've had my CAG Kendi for 2 weeks, Still waiting for DNA results to come back so not sure whether I have a male or female. I will refer to Kendi as 'he". His hatch date is June 2010.Here's a little about how I came to bring him home. I knew I wanted a CAG at some point, was actually planning on waiting a while and wanted a very young bird. Long story short he was purchased by someone that only had him for about a month, he was never named, he needed to give him up, he apparently had to move to Florida and could not and or did not want to take the bird with him.,,,the details are a bit sketchy. I have no reason to think Kendi was mistreated in any way. I was contacted by the place he bought the bird from since they knew I was wanting a grey at some point.Thats the story in a nutshell.
This a very different bird!, He just sits back quietly and observes. I found my amazon and caique to be very active and making themselves at home within just a few days. Kendi is very happy to step up, comes out of his cage with no fact does not really like to be in his cage. He is very quiet, makes a few clicking sounds and whistles a bit but mostly just sits next to me on the couch, or on his perch being very quiet. I have not been able to get him to eat anything but pellets. I offer him fruit and veg everyday but has yet to eat any of it. I'm pretty sure he has never seen or been offered fresh food of any kind. He has couple of toys in his cage and has just started being interested in them. I've also noticed he never holds anything with his foot, not even his pellets, he just munches over the food dish. I posted on BirdTricks a week or so ago that I didnt feel he was drinking enough water, thats still the case and his poop seems very dry to me so I am going to take him to the vet just so they can give him a "once over", probably not a bad idea.
Thats just a bit about Kendi. If anyone has any feedback I would appreciate it. I am not having any problems with him, I don't feel like I have a bird with issues, he's gorgeous, sweet and easy to be around. I would of course be thrilled if he talks but know thats not a guarantee, what will be will be. I do talk to him a lot and spend a lot of time interacting with my birds.
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