I have had my CAG Kendi for about 3 mos now, he is a yr old as of 6-15-11. He is the most insecure animal I have ever been around, unsure of everything, mostly just sits and stares, there are some days he acts as if he has never been on a human hand, he is not engaging or curious about anything. Are some birds just "not right"? I know it takes time for birds to adjust but to be honest he doesnt act any different today than he did the first day I brought him home.
For instance: I have been gradually getting him used to being misted with a spray bottle, he has grown to enjoy it, and he tells me when he's had enough, the other day I took him and my Amazon outside to mist them, which I have done many times, he had a complete meltdown over it, fell off the perch and flapped around on the ground like he was dying, it took him hours to recover and to start acting normal again.
I cant add ANYTHING new to his cage, no new perches, nothing!!!, it completely unnerves him and makes him uneasy.
My birds are with me in my living room sharing a large play area, when I get up to go into another room he starts screeching and doesnt stop until I come back.
His body language in most situations is " I'm uncomfortable, I don't like this!!"
I take my birds to work with me on a regular basis but not everyday, Lucas my Amazon loves it, but Kendi .....not so much, but he doesn't want to be left behind either. It's frustrating , I find myself looking at him and saying/thinking "what do you want?"
All in all he's no trouble, not a bad bird, not mean, but I can't say that I enjoy him in the same way I enjoy Lucas.....just being honest.
I want to make this work and I am willing to be patient but could use some advice.
He and Lucas both came from the same place, a pet shop but one that does a great job rearing and socializing their birds, and is owned by people I know and trust, they and their staff are knowledgable and great with the birds. The birds are only caged at night to sleep and are exposed to new things regularly. But I am wondering if thats a great environment for all birds?.....Just throwing this out there. Could something traumatic have happened to him before I got him?, is he just being a CAG?, is he just a weird bird?
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